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On Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 3 p.m. sharp, the Cremona Milling Hub opened its doors to welcome visiting members of the GLAO (Gruppo Lavoratori Anziani Ocrim – Ocrim Alumni Group), the association that unites former Ocrim workers and staff with more than 15 years’ seniority at the historic Cremona-based company.

The event, organised by Ocrim in collaboration with Milling Hub, was a resounding success: dozens of participants, in turn, entered the mill in organised groups, guided by the plant’s production and maintenance staff to discover the equipment and processes behind the production of durum wheat semolina.

What at first glance might have appeared to be a “journey back in time” for former workers actually turned out to be an opportunity for discovery and enrichment.  The visit was an opportunity for exchange and comparison between loyal workers, with years and years of experience in mill engineering design and assembly behind them, and the new generation who live the plant’s reality on a daily basis, proud to show the modern equipment and related automation systems installed and at the same time eager to learn the history and tricks of the trade.

At 6.30 p.m. the event came to an end, amidst the amazement of the visitors – congratulations, it is really worth a visit, to quote the enthusiastic comment of Alberto Bruschi, former Ocrim purchasing office representative and GLAO board member – and the satisfaction of the mill workers.

The day showed how even the bond with the company is still strong, even for former workers and years later.